What to wear to class is something of a challenge to most people if they want it to consist of more than leggings and a sweatshirt. Now, there is nothing wrong with leggings and sweatshirt or hoodie, but, there are those days everyone wants to look a little bit cute. What to wear?

Start with the basics. One, bottoms! Everyone has a pair of jeans. If they fit well, even better! The amazing thing about jeans is the variety there is! Different styles, colors, washes, the list goes on! So if all else fails, jeans. An alternative to jeans is a pair of flowy pants. They are almost as comfy as leggings but look more put together.

Two, top! A staple every girl should have and every guy should have is a blouse or button down, or nice sweater for the colder days. A pop of color would be nice here! But if that’s not the vibe, then a nice neutral color (black, white, navy, or tan) will be perfectly fine too.
Three, accessories! This scares some people but really it’s not that bad. A nice scarf, some simple (or flashy) jewelry, even a watch can be just that next step to bring out the personality and a put a little something into the outfit.

Four! Layering is a great way to not only stay warm, but look more put together. Get out a nice blazer or jacket, cardigan, or sweater to complete any outfit and make it look more professional.
Why worry about what you wear to class? Well, one never knows who is going to see them in class or what opportunities might come. Sweatpants and leggings are not exactly the first impression to make to a potential boss or reference. Think of class as a small job every once in a while. Dress for the job! Even if it is just going to class.